Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tired of winter...

Ok, we have to be in the home stretch towards spring. Our "tease" of 65 degree weather last week did nothing except make me wish it was April (oh yeah, and melt the snow). Tonight, it snowed again - my hands haven't been warm in 5 hours.

We had a really, really, nice Valentine's Day. Emily was working, Conor had the winter homecoming dance at the school, so we thought it would just be Hannah, Dave and I. Hannah informed us Friday night that her cousin was coming to town to stay at my dad's and they planned a sleepover there (YAY!) So, Dave and I had some appetizers and champagne and the most romantic meal of all - Subway - and headed out to see "The Wrestler". We usually try to see the movies nominated for Academy Awards and so far we've seen "Slumdog Millionaire", "Benjamin Button", "The Reader" and "The Wrestler". I've never been so depressed in my life. They are all very good movies, but other than "Slumdog" none end happily - they are, however, all good movies. I can't get past Mickey Rourke looking any different than he did in 9 1/2 weeks. I get the feeling that movie is really what his life has been like for the past 15 years...

Ok, I'm off to bed... more later!