Friday, May 16, 2008

I'm back...

Ok, I finally remembered how to log in to my blog. Remember, my New Year's resolution was to blog more often (well, at least the diet/exercise resolution has held up...)
Since December 28th I've lost 20 lbs. Someone asked me how and I said "Well, diet and exercise as I should have years ago - I guess it really does work" I still have quite a bit to go, but I'm moving at a speed where I don't want to quit, so that's something. I've become somewhat enamored with spinning. I have a love/hate relationship with my hour long class. I dread starting, but once you're in, there is no stopping. I don't think I've ever sweat so much or been so drained and exhilerated at the same time.

We are neck deep in the end of school year stuff - this year is really different because Emily is graduating from high school. Everytime I write or say that to someone, it becomes more and more hard to believe. She has grown into such a beautiful young lady and we are very proud of her. Conor got his drivers license (my hair is turning gray as I post this). He is a good driver, but it is scary nonetheless. Hannah and I went to NYC last weekend on the "5th grade trip" - sleep on the bus going, get off bus, tour NYC for 16 hours, get back on the bus and sleep for the 7 hour ride going home. My favorite part - arriving in Rockerfeller Plaza and finding out that mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral was in 20 minutes and my friend saying "Go! We'll take Hannah with us - call us when you are done!" It is an AWESOME place! Hannah at 11 has decided that she will attend school in NYC and we can visit her (ok!). Hannah become very adept at haggling with the "men who sell counterfeit things on the street". Asking how much for a cute Kate Spade purse and being told $45 - she just scoffed and said "I only have $15" - sold!
Aww...spring! Tomorrow is the big garage sale at my dad's house (I hate garage sales!) The older kids are going to Cedar Point with their French Club, and Dave is in charge of soccer signups for the rec league... Next up: I am off to Myrtle Beach with my dad next Sunday. My family is going for the week and I decided to take a few days for myself and fly down. I talked Dad into flying with me so he would only have one 14 hour car ride (back) with the 7 year old, 5 year old twins, my brother and my pregnant sister in law! (No thanks - I'll fly!)

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