Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy 17th Birthday Conor (and 15th Birthday to Robby!)


Wow, it really does seem like yesterday that I was sitting in the doctor's office, 7 days overdue, and he said "Well, I'm going to put you in (finally!)". At this point, the doctor already knew you were over 9 lbs and more than ready to be born - although you didn't think so and were quite content to stay put. You always did like to snuggle!

At this time of the night on November 19, 1991, I was sitting in my hospital bed, holding a 9 lb 6 oz bundle that looked like he had gone 9 rounds with Joe Frazier. Bruised and red faced, there was no doubt you belonged to us.

Through the years, you have been my funny, singing, sweet, athletic little boy. Always the one with the quick wit. Enjoy the time sweetie, it goes by much too quickly - remember as you've always been told - you're a good kid.

Love always, Mom

P.S. Happy 15th Birthday to my nephew Robby - what a great 2nd birthday present you were to Conor and a cool thing to share forever!

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