Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Scary week...

We've had this blast of winter weather, first the 13" of snow last weekend and now the "balmy" 12 degrees - wind chill of 1! And today is the WARM day...

We are all hunkered in for the evening. The realization that mom really isn't overprotective and doesn't want anyone driving when it is bad has now settled in.

Last Saturday night, Emily and Tess (my niece) were coming home from their grandparents and as they were merging on I-80, Emily slid on black ice, heading sideways across 2 lanes of highway, she was able to straighten out the car just in time to be hit by a tractor trailer. Fortunately, he had seen her slide and had enough time to react a bit and caught the driver's side end of her car. They were thrown off to the side of the road and are sore, but thank god, no injuries. The car has no back end and is totaled. Had she spun a 1/4 turn in any direction, they'd have been killed. It was so, so, scary.

So, I'm more than ready for spring and the snow to go away! I've said it before, I do not want to win the lottery, I have my friends and family and our health and safety. When you have that, you have it all.

1 comment:

Jessica Nichols said...

Oh my goodness Jill!

I could hardly even read your words, I was so nervous. I was just so happy you started off with "we are all hunkered down" because I was clinging to that "all" quite mightily during the reading of the accident.

I am beyond thrilled there were no serious injuries.

Stay hunkered!